Newfie. A party-loving, hard-working individual from Newfoundland (pronounced new-found-land' NOT new-fin-land or new-fun-lind as mainlanders seem to keep mispronouncing it....but, then again they also can't even pronounce their main city of commerce, Toronto, properly. ie."I'm from Trawno").

Newfoundland is a very culturally unique and rich community whose physical beauty is unparalleled. The capital, St. John's, has more homosexuals per capita than any other city in Canada, thus it is also the most open-minded city in Canada. Goths, Rivetheads, hippies, and various other freaks are welcome and will feel very much at home, for arts and culture are encouraged and embraced in Newfoundland.

Newfies are noted for their sense of humour, laughing at themselves more often then not. Times were, and sometimes still are, hard in Newfoundland. I guess the Newfie philosophy is "If you can't laugh at it...what CAN you do?".

Some famous Newfies include the band Great Big Sea, Natasha Henstridge (bet ya didn't know that!), Mary Walsh, Cathy Jones, Kim Stockwood, and Shannon Tweed.

Lastly, numerous Newfies don't consider themselves Canadian, prefering to retain their cultural and historical identity.