Lucy's Tips For the Day: 
  1. You can hilariously ruin many romantic pop songs by replacing the word "love" with the word "bean(s)".
  2. You can make many romantic pop songs hilariously filthy by replacing the word "whisper" with the word "finger". 
  3. #2 sometimes works with Lovecraft: "The Fingerer in Darkness".

As proof of #1, here's Bad Company:

Baby, when I think about you
I think about beeeeaaaaans
Darlin', couldn't live without you
And your beeeaaaans
If I had those golden dreams of my yesterday
I would wrap you
In the heavens
And feel it dyin' all the way
I feel like makin'
Feel like makin' beans!
Feel like makin' beans!
Feel like makin' beans!
Feel like makin' beans with yooooouuuuu ….