A Poem in the Before Choice Disturbs collection

Lighting Effect

An art show:
The bright, clean area of
the rundown run out burned city core.
back and hands tight against the wall
like she's waiting to be mounted, and framed..

She has that dramatic lighting effect happening for her;
The shadow of her form lolling about on the wall                              right next to her.

It does everything she does
and never misses a beat. Like, when she laughs                            the shadow laughs;
when the hors d'oeuvres are
passed around on silver trays                                                               he takes one, too.

Introductions are easy:                                                                            "...and this is Don..."

she points with a flick of her head
so the strands of hair would block her light
deforming the shadow                                                                             just a little bit.

Now, the shadow didn't                                                                           resent this.
He always went along with her to great places,
even if some times she'd walk                                                              in darkness
without him, or have the light face her head on
casting him                                                                                              against a far wall.

He loves her for many reasons,
but mostly because they make                                                          an attractive pair.
Like now, with her standing                                                               close to the wall,
her clothes that deep blendy                                                             shadow black,
when it's not possible to tell where he                                              begins and she ends.

Together, grand and dark against the wall