The crescendo of the violinist
The pulsations of the cellist
The trumpeter's calls
The orchestra's falls
Pushing, lurching, inching forward
Tablature and pages fall to the ground
Act Two is upon!

The bassist chimes
The flutist whines
The Prima Donna wails
The protagonist fails
To bring about a change of heart to show!
The act drags on!

Wherefore is it that it is in its prime!
The drama heightened
The man enlightened
Dreary, deathly pallor
The antithesis of valor
Soon will come revenge for this heinous crime!

The curtain falls
The spirit calls
The villain proudly utters
As the audience, it shudders
With the use of man as pawn
Soon the crowd will surely fawn
When the third act nigh, the curtain shall be drawn!