"The poet is a madman lost in adventure Who restlessly dreams of ancient battles Of countless exploits, that he makes his own And sings for himself and for the race of the future." Paul Verlaine

1844-96, French Symbolist poet

His poetry, possesses a rare musicality. While still a young man, Verlaine formed a tempestuous liaison with a young poet, Arthur Rimbaud. The relationship ended tragically when Verlaine shot and wounded Rimbaud. Imprisoned for 2 years, he returned to the Catholic faith, but his later life was marked by drunkenness and debauchery. This included a significant interest in L'absinth.

He had a strong friendship with Charles Baudelaire and Stéphane Mallarmé. Together they became the "Decadents".


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Source: http://members.tripod.com/RoadSide6/verlaine.htm http://www.flf.com/total/poets.htm Last Updated 05.13.04