MacGyver used to be my favourite show as a kid, but a few seasons in, it started resorting to the A-Team trick. MacGyver would be stuck up a mountain with bad guys chasing him. There would be no trees from which to fashion a tactical nuclear missile, no household chemicals to create a smokescreen, no credit cards to mess up the traffic lights and, indeed, no traffic lights to mess up.

Just as it looked hopeless, he'd stumble across a deserted shack. Luckily, inside would be some welding gear that still worked, an old basket, and enough old cloth to build a hot air balloon. You'd see him sewing shitty bits of paper and old sheets together, but when he launched the balloon, somehow it had transformed into a perfectly circular balloon, with a few dirty patches glued on the side.

Shame. Great show before it went downhill. MacGyver saves the kids, MacGyver helps an old lady cross the road, and I'm not even going to mention the hockey episode - oh, shit, I did.