FURTHER POSTALITIES. The package mentioned earlier shows up at the post office. It is not sealed. It is not as heavy as it should be. I tell the clerk to hold on and open it. Cellphone nicked. Curses! So I fill out a form and call the people I ordered the damn thing from. They'll send another one when things are sorted out. Gimme the damn thing now! Me wants to speak phoone! Fury!

OUR HOUSE. Made the initial payment on the apartment. Liquified a hefty bunch of stock and wound up with almost twice the needed amount. Reinvested in more interesting stuff.

UPDATE 2100: OK, I've recieved the same piece of semi-spam five times now! Enough! I'm going home!

UPDATE 2300: Wouldn't it be nice if someone made a movie based on Much Ado About Nothing set in a library? I spent the subway ride home pondering this. Ideas on casting, anyone?

SOUNDTRACK OF THE DAY: No music today. *sniffle*