A popular (in some circles) and loosely assembled group of obviously anti-fascist but also leftist and mostly middle-aged musicians who get together and play music at various protests, rallies, and speeches in Seattle, WA. The band was formed in 1982 by Chris Fulsaas, Craig Flory, Pete Leinonen, Memo, Eric Muhs, and other Seattle-area activist-musicians. After being out of action for some years, the band was given a new incarnation, its revival mastermineded by Mike Daugherty for the WTO protests in 1999. This time, other members included Angelina Baldoz, Amy Denio, Craig Flory, Scott Granlund, Paul Hoskin, Brad Houser, Jim Knodle, Jessica Lurie, Adam McCollum, Jeff McGrath, Bill Moyer, Greg Powers, Charley Rowan, Bev Setzer, Skerik, and others. The WTO protests were a fantastic atmosphere for their unique brand of performance art, as they played protest songs and improvised along march routes all the way up to the "front lines" in the Battle of Seattle. The band was noted as one of the highlights of the protests, as they played on the steps of the Paramount Theater, where the WTO was to begin its opening ceremony. Saxophonist Brad Hauser also played the Stormtooper Theme from Star Wars for the approaching cops in full riot gear.

The AFMB has been seen at various events since their reincarnation, all the way up to their heading up of an anti-war march on October 26th, 2002. Pieces include a rowdy version of America the Beautiful along with many trade unionist and dixieland songs.

some info gathered from Dennis Rea and www.tentacle.org