When I took this job 5 months ago, it didn't seem like a drug. Job Description: Create and execute guidlines for software testing. It seemed like hallucinations and overall disregard for time and space wouldn't be qualifications. Having worked quality assurance for 2 years with content data entry, I took it. I got the opportunity from a recruiter who liked me.

5 months later, I am regression testing educational software that needs to go back to dev ASAP. I've been at it for over 30 hours now. David Bowie stated that sleep deprivation messed him up more than a lot of the drugs he did. I tried that, writing a journal about the experience of two days without sleep and social interaction. I am having flashbacks of that journey as I type. I think we really need an automated process here, but I do like my current state.......hysteria mixed with loud JSBX or maybe eating a space cake and three fingers of Crown Royal. I am sure that development of the software has similar mindbending excursions. I am really hungry, but I don't want to sleep. I need to regress a few more bugs plus it would kill my buzz. So off I go into a world of repitition once again!