The results of a 3-Day New Year's Celebration Conference

The Facts

Mission Statement
To help those who want to become more than what they are now - to find their path and to become who they are meant to be.

Goals for 2006
Interbiz Cruise on Caribbean Princess - August 2006
This will be achieved by going Business Builder. Principles in Servant Leadership is the foundation of the business.

Diamond Engagement Ring - August 2006
This will be chosen and bought on the Cruise. A financial goal of $5000.00 is set.

The Emotion

What can I say? I'm serious about moving onwards to a future that was meant to be. All the signals are pointing to this great success, and I cannot *wait* until we head to the port where the great ship launches.

The smell of the salt air, the breeze coming off the shore. And then the view of this gigantic vehicle - what was it, 18 storeys high?

Ok, so now I'm obsessed. I head straight to Google images and find the best view of the ship as my wallpaper at work. And when I come home, I do the same thing.

We can't NOT go on the cruise.

The Learning

I'm reading 3 to 6 books all at the same time and have been doing so for the past few years. After finishing "The Serving Leader" (by Ken Jennings and John Stahl-Wert), my perspective on leadership principles have changed. This combined with the heart that was given these past few days has made everything about myself and who I want to become more clear.

We also learned how to do the merengue, the salsa and the tango. (What's this? Learning how to dance at a business conference? It's not your ordinary seminar.) Alberto and Selena Hoyas has given a great gift to us and the many people who participated. Down the road, we must set a goal to have them teach us more thoroughly to dancing more fluidly.

The Actions

Effective activity and not "busy" activity must be excercised. I don't want to become what Bucky Fuller calls the money-bee. I want to be the bee that impacts others' lives. The only way to reach my goals is to concentrate on those who want it the most. Those with the hunger to become who they were meant to become. Even those who just want to start a new journey - one of challenge and blessings, new friends and loved-ones, financial success and wealth described by the self and not by others.

Keeping focus is key. Also remember the points made by Donald Trump.

This year feels right. This year, it will get done.