spoof is also a command on FurryMuck and other mucks, for a variety of purposes.

Firstly, it allows you to display text without it being preceded by your name. If you type : rubs Xydexx on his belly and attaches him to the wall, that's fine, and your name will appear at the start...

DarrenLupus rubs Xydexx on his belly and attaches him to the wall

But if you want to make something happen to another character (usually an NPC) whilst role playing, or to make an action not obviously connected to you, it's more difficult... you can either make a pose before you type the 'real' pose, or you can try something else.

That's where spoofing comes in.

If I type spoof A noxious smell begins to fill the Nurple, then it'll appear. In some places, such as The Nexus of Darkness, it'll appear as typed. In the Nurple, however, it'll appear as this:

( A noxious smell begins to fill the Nurple ) [DarrenLupus]

and it's instantly recognisable whose to blame.

However, there are problems... it's easy to spoof another player and pretend that they made an action... so there's spoof #recent which displays the last ten spoofs and spoofers, and spoof #history which allows administrators of the room to check out any disagreements that may have gone on.

There's also spoof #feep, which either changes the spoof #feep setting, or displays the current one. The help documents merely say:

Type 'spoof #feep' to... Well, it's a feep. Find out for yourself. *'gryn*