An interesting (well, perhaps) British slant on this dates from last year, and the Tory party conference. Anne Widdecombe, failed novelist and crypto-fascist opposition minister nicknamed "Doris Karloff" for her resemblance to Frankenstein's monster, decided that the way to get the utterly crippled Conservative Party back into power at the next election was to launch an immense crackdown on users of cannabis users, at a stage in our country's history where marketing and advertising executives are drug imagery to sell us all shit we don't need and even 'respectable' mainstream newspapers1 say that, y'know, pot's probably not that in the general scheme of things.

With brilliant timing, seven Cabinet ministers then came out and admitted to have smoked cannabis, utterly discrediting Widdecombe2 and plunging the party into even greater ridicule.

Thereafter, it became a trend on British streets for potheads to approach their dealers with an inquiry of "Got any Widdecombe?"

1 Although the fact that all of Fleet Street takes enough cocaine daily to kill a small horse did not go unnoticed.
2 Although the fact that she celebrated her little tirade with a glass of champagne did not go unnoticed, along with leader William Hague's boast that he regularly drank 14 pints of bitter a day as a teenager.