Highlights of the first goverment of Carlos Menem

Faced with a critical social and economical situation in Argentina, back in 1989, the president Raul Alfonsin decided to forward the transition of power. That way, Carlos Menem got the president's chair, six months before schedule.
Carlos Menem carried out a substancial change in the socioeconomic alliances of the peronismo. Since economy was oriented towards liberalism (it is wise to remember peronismo was historically a conservative party), many exponents of political parties with that tendency ocuppied charges in the gabinet, while sindical power, once powerful enough to overthrow presidents, faded to a second plane.
As external affairs, he reinforced the link with the USA and other occidental countries, and resumed the diplomatic relations with Britain (UK). The country also participated in peace missions with the blue helmets of the United Nations, in the Gulf War and the ex-Yugoslavia conflict.
He dictated a decree to pardon the military chiefs condemned for violations of human rights, and suppressed the Obligatory Military Service creating instead the Voluntary and Professional Military Service.

Again, in 1991, the "Plan de Convertibilidad" (Convertibility Plan] was applied, wich stablished a fixed parity between Peso (Argentina's currency) and Dollar, with the objective of reduc the inflation plaguing the country. He also approved he "Ley de Reforma del Estado" (Law of State Reform), that included the privatization of most production and service companies in state's hand.
He stablished the voluntary "private retirement", eliminated the "Junta Nacional de Carnes y Granos" (National Joint of Meat and Grains), and reformed the "Ley de Coparticipacion Federal" (Law of Federal Coparticipation)
A so called "Pacto de Olivos" (Olivos's Pact) was signed between the Carlos Menem and the ex-president Raul Alfonsin, it was decided in the agreement to summon a "Convencion Nacional Constituyente" (National Constituyent Convention) with the objective of reforming the Contitution and so, obtain the posibility for president reelection (before 1994, Argentina's Constitution did not allow presidential reelection). The Convention, reunited in Santa Fe, in august of 1994 sanctioned the New Constitution wich included substancial reforms, including the forementioned presidential reelection.