If you read "Your radical ideas about the combinatoric implications of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator have already occurred to others" you'll see that I propose (facetiously) that the MBTI is capable of assigning 290 ≈ 1.23 × 1027 different possible answer sets to only 16 categories.

Continuing the tradition of Combinatoric Shitposting for Mathematical Teens, I've decided to create my own Personality Test, able to surpass the MBTI. With this test (even at the current Alpha versions) there's enough personality types for every single "snowflake" on Earth to have their own unique type to share with the world.

Help Wanted!

If you want to help, I'd like for you to read the current set of very scientifically chosen questions (from my stable-like genius brain) and submit questions of your own. The actual test is nearby, but for now it's in Alpha only. Use it only if you know your way around these files.

Link to the questions.