Gene Gene the Dancing Machine was the better known name of Gene Patton. Patton was a stage hand for The Gong Show. Between real acts, Chuck Barris would have fake acts (e.g., the Unknown Comic) schlep for some laughs. Many times his behind-the-scenes crew were pressed into service (a gimmick David Letterman borrowed effectively years later).

Patton, as the hulky Gene Gene the Dancing Machine, would do a funny funky fresh dance to an endless loop of Count Basie's "Jumpin' at the Woodside". Sometimes he'd wear a Greek fisherman's cap. As the dance went on over long, the Gong panelists would then pelt Gene Gene with various objects. And Barris tries to argue he wasn't the death of American culture. Pfffah!

Patton, at age 69, appeared briefly in the movie adaptation of Confessions of a Dangerous Mind. Shockingly, he appeared on screen with his famous dancing legs done gone missing! Rest assured they were not chopped off by Jamie Farr hepped up on Faygo Redpop. Complications due to diabetes claimed both of Patton's legs. The former stage hand retains a humorous attitude towards his "deficiencies in the leg division" (as Peter Cook and Dudley Moore might say).

"Surgeons tell me I'll be dancing again soon," quipped Patton.