At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, twinkies are members of the Assassins' Guild and general role-playing types. The old definition was actually broader; a decade ago, you were considered a twinkie if you were a member of some large subset of APO, SIPB, LSC, MITSFS, or the Assassins' Guild, because the social groups were so tightly linked. The term supposedly originated from the junk food wrappers left behind after meetings and social events.

The term is used derogatively by non-twinkies, but twinkies themselves are frequently proud of it. There are also several related terms: "twinkie droppings" refers to the small plastic discs and darts which accumulate anywhere twinkies are caught gaming, "twinkie games" are board games, such as Illuminati, B5 Wars, and Cosmic Encounter, which twinkies are frequently found playing, and "to twink" is a verb describing twinkie activity.

The term was used in a hack in 1994, when the Musical Theatre Guild put on a production of "Assassins". The group had a poster featuring the word "Assassins" with a rifle sight logo. It was replaced one day by one which read "Twinkies", with a disc-shaped logo. Smaller flyers also appeared advertising the new production.

"You people turned my girlfriend into a twinkie! I'm so relieved." -- Member of the Assassins' Guild to his friends