Born in August 1980, Macaulay Culkin is the model child actor. Starring in 15 roles from 1988 to 1994, Culkin has not made a single movie role since. He currently stars in the play Madame Melville on the Vaudeville Theatre in London and recovers from the breaking-up of his marriage to Rachel Miner.

Culkin was propelled to international fame following the highly successful movie Home Alone, depicting him as a child fighting off two grown-up robbers attempting to enter the house where he has been left by his vacationing family. In true Hollywood style, the unexpected success of this movie was milked for all it was worth, producing two forgettable sequels.

Culkin has pulled in an approximated $25 000 000 on his movies and is thus free to do whatever he wishes for a while. He has not acted in Hollywood for seven years now, and a comeback attempt is most likely not going to happen, but he has still earned himself a place in the annals of movie history. His name will forever top the list of children who can't act