A type of lift (the kind with weights).
Description of steps:

  1. Start with bar (with appropriate weights) on the ground. (Make sure you have plenty of room).
  2. Position spotter behind lifter.
  3. Crouch to grab bar. Keep feet shoulder width apart, crouch keeping your back straight. TIP: Lock eyes on where the wall and ceiling in front of you meet. This will help to keep your back straight.
  4. Grab bar just outside of knees. Make sure that your arms are straightened. (Still looking at that point).

    Now comes the complex part. (Do these in very rapid succession)

  5. Shoot straight up, as if you were jumping. Keep your feet on the ground, and push down through your legs. Keep your back straight! This is essential, as you will hurt yourself otherwise.
  6. Pull your arms up toward your chest, as if you were rowing a boat laying on your back. Quickly drop your body by bending at the knees. The idea is to keep the bars momentum going up as you get underneath it.
  7. Catch the bar! The idea is to rest it on the front part of your shoulders, rolled up towards your neck. Your hands should be bent palm upwards at this point.

Congratulations! You have just cleaned! Now, put the bar down, and do it again! AGAIN!!!

NOTE: As is obvious, I would suggest practicing with no weight first, then after you are used to the form, giving it a go.