A weapon used by persons unknown in contentious newsgroups such as alt.revisionism and alt.religion.scientology. Sporgery is committed by a bot that reads the subjects in the group, then forges email headers of the participants and floods the group with phony messages filled with gibberish.

The following is an example I found on dejanews:
Subject: Re: Farewell to Friends & Adversaries
Date: 03/21/1999
Author: Laura Finsten
lokapala salicyluric apoplectoid Christdom
Amphicondyla nakedweed shaggily linga Krugerite dollhouse
candymaker congregable pneumocentesis friarbird
tetracoralline wildebeest federatively Novatian
archtreasurership prosubstantive Brighid fondue
sarus zac eyecup
nonskeptical hydrometeor boot periesophageal
Daulias benzothiazole pseudoarthrosis Patwin

Some sporger bots are more sophisticated, and actually build grammatically correct sentences out of the nonsense, making them almost impossilbe to filter out. These ones I find very creepy, especially when the sporger bot starts replying to its own posts, so you have whole threads of gibberish that look disturbingly like the writings of Nostradamus or something.

Usually, no one ever steps forward and claims responsibility for the flood, or why they did it, which leaves the targeted newsgroup in a flurry of accusations.