
I'm sorry if this writeup is incoherent, the explanation for that is forthcoming...

Last night I went to bed promising to myself I was going to enjoy this week as much as possible. My workdays are usually spent thinking "I wish it would be weekend already" and when Friday comes it turns into Monday way too fast. Lately I've begun to think about the all-too-short duration of life and how I shouldn't spend 4 out of 7 days hoping they would be over soon.

So, this morning I got up feeling enthusiastic and ready to both work hard and do lots of constructive and fun things in the evening.
While rushing to catch the bus, I remember I forgot my ibuprofein at home. Well, I only need them once every few weeks, so statistically i'd be safe.

Oh yes, you can guess what I'm experiencing at the moment.


The one day I forgot my pills from my backpack. Dear old Mr. Murphy never sleeps on the job. A young geek ready to take on the world is once again crushed by those damn capillaries.

So currently I'm sitting at my desk, patiently waiting for the clock to hit 16, battling with the pain and trying to get my thoughts organized. No, The Company™ doesn't offer any free medication to its employees.
Then again, my migraine attacks aren't nearly as severe as they are with some people: I don't puke or pass out, although there are times when it has been close. But today ocular migraine is involved, and that is downright nasty. Pain in the eyes feels.. alien.

Despite my cheese'n'whine, the day hasn't been all that bad. I will do my best to regain some of my initial enthusiasm once I've annihilated this condition. There's so much to do and so damn little hours of spare time in a day...


Got home, took drugs (ibuprofein that is) and slept the damn migraine off. It was the hardest attack I've had in a long while, most likely because I couldn't take the medication early enough. I still feel like I've been hit by a truck but a good night's sleep has never failed to make me feel 100% operational again.
And to think most of the people who have never experienced this think migraine is "just a headache"...