
One year on E2!
..and I didn't even get a T-shirt.

In 121 minutes, it has been exactly one year since I joined the ever-growing army of E2 noders. Funny, time usually seems to pass all too quickly, but these 365 days feel like an eternity. In a good way.

For the most part, E2 has been good to me. Sure, I've been systematically downvoted every now and then. I've been insulted with soft links, called an XP whore (which is a ludicrous accusation, looking at all the factual nodes I've created) and so on. But none of that matters. If the pussies don't have the balls to state their feelings under their own user name, their attacks are of no value to me.
What I do appreciate, however, are the numerous great people I have met while hanging around Everything. I would love to provide you a list of those noders right now, but it would become quite lengthy and I would most likely forget a few names that would deserve to be mentioned.
You know who you are! Thanks for your support, friendship and making dull workdays as fun as they can be. I'll do my best to be worthy in the future.

Node-wise, I am quite happy of the stuff I have contributed to the database. There is certainly room for improvement, and my rate of activity has been unfortunately small in the past months. I do my best to correct this, but don't worry.. quality will always be the no.1 priority.
That being said, I will definitely keep writing day logs whenever I have something to say in them. No matter how down cowards downvote me - I don't give the proverbial rat's ass for some negative rep. I also hope all the other dayloggers keep it up, since I really enjoy reading about your days. Since the "Real TV" trend is still going strong on television, why shouldn't we have our own "Real E2"?

The veterans out there might feel it's silly for a newbie like me to make such a number out of my first Everything anniversary. Sorry about that. Like I said, it feels like an eternity. I'm planning to stay in here as long as the site exists, so you'll see plenty of more where this came from. :)

Before stopping this endless babble I have to say something to Mirko..
Don't even consider quitting just because of a few trolls. Trust me, they're not worth it. I understand how a thing like that can piss off a person, but leaving only means there is one less sensible user and the same amount of trolling dumbasses as before.
While E2 has its darker sides and rotten eggs.. It's still quite damn cool.

Ok, that's it for the pointless waste of database resources for a while.. More later.