Make your own kazoo

Raw Materials:

  • 1x Cardboard Tube; a nice sturdy one, such as the type found in the centre of a roll of kitchen foil or cling film/plastic wrap (toilet roll and kitchen towel tubes tend to be a little flimsy, and too wide), optimum diameter 1"
  • Approx. 4" square of Baking Sheet or Tracing Paper; can be any rough shape and size really
  • 1x Rubber Band, medium sized


  • Scissors, one pair
  • Sharp pencil or other pointy skewer-type object

Cut the cardboard tube to a length of approximately 6" as neatly as possible.
Take the small piece of baking sheet or tracing paper and hold it over one end of the tube, so as to form a tight membrane across the open end. Fold down the excess around the tube and tightly fix the paper in place with the rubber band.
Use the sharp pointy thing to poke a small hole in the tube about halfway along its length.

How to play:
Hold the device without covering the small hole, and put the one open end up to your mouth, preferably with your lips inside the tube but slightly apart. Now hum into the kazoo, or make a sort of 'doo-doo-doo' noise (DO NOT BLOW - this is vital).
You should hear a zippy, buzzy sound as the paper membrane vibrates. Hum a song, and enjoy the slightly comedic tones as they resonate cheerfully around the room. Proceed to annoy your friends.

Please note:
If the kazoo player is unable to hum in tune, both their enjoyment and that of any people nearby will be limited. For this reason it is recommended that the instrument be used only for humourous performances rather than serious recitals.