Ok, I'm feeling nasty...

Life sucks, get a helmet: for your kids, get one with blinders and earplugs if you take them into the adult world. If any of us is too young to see something, we're ALL too young to see it. DON'T BE A FUCKING DICK to other adults just because you have kids.

Not everyone has to be compassionate all the time, but you can encourage compassion. It may bad for the society you want but good for the society they want. You can try to persuade them that your view is better. You may disaprove of someones actions, and try to disuade them from them, but it may be something they need and can handle. DON'T BE A FUCKING DICK just because someone else has a different, yet equally valid, system of morals.

If something hurts no one, then what is wrong with taking it farther? Maybe it will hurt someone then. We'll burn that bridge when we come to it. DON'T BE A FUCKING DICK by using irrelevant slippery slope fallacies.

If it hurts someone down the line, not now, it is still hurting someone. Maybe something should be done in such a case. But DON'T BE A FUCKING DICK about it.

Of course what we do changes us, becomes a part of us. If I read something out of Index et Catalogus Librorum prohibitorum maybe I'll change enough to be able to see the people getting hurt all around me, and even do something about it. DON'T BE A FUCKING DICK by setting your policy in stone for all time.

Most importantly, DON'T BE A FUCKING DICK by building a road to hell out of good intentions. I fear that most. The wicked eventually get bored, but the righteous never sleep.

And the down votes fell like the pouring rain