Here's how my father used to sing Take Me Back to Tech (He was MIT 1928 -- he always sang the school name first, then this one verse, then the school name again.):

C-H-N-O-L-O-G and Y comes after G
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology!
How I long to be back again at the Tech on Boylston Street,
Dressed in my dinky uniform so dapper and so neat.
I'd shun the physical quizzical profs, the chapel and all that,
But how I'd love to go again on a scientific bat.
Rah for Technology, 'ology 'ology oh,
Any old kind of 'ology, 'ology 'ology, 'ology 'ology --
C-H-N-O-L-O-G and Y comes after G
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology!

I even remember the tune and can still sing it, but would appreciate knowing if there's some place online I can hear it sung.