Am I the only person who found it weird that we could go to a Hollywood movie to be lectured about the evils of consumer capitalism?
Or have Brad Pitt disparaging Calvin Klein style masculine body imagery 'Is this what a man looks like?' before stripping off to display the work of endless sessions with a personal trainer?
Back in the fifties a French intellectual movement known as the Situationists posited the idea of the Society of the Spectacle, where we cease to be actors and become passive spectators.
One of the worst aspects of the spectacle was its ability to recoup - that is absorb and defuse - challenges to this passivity.
Thus punk begins as a radical rejection of the tyranny of teen culture, and ends up as a lifestyle you can buy off the peg.
And Fight Club reinforces all the passivity it preaches against because as Marshal McLuhan said 'The medium is the message. We think that watching a movie is an act of rebellion. In fact it just disarms what little resistance we have left.

Disclaimer: This argument may have been overstated for rhetorical effect.