Good ol' ska, who can resist it? When those third-wave beats start pumpin' you just can't help get up and skank. Oh you don't think so? Well than you've picked the wrong node my friend, cause this is all about the happy ska feet... err at least one of the bands that plays to facilitate them.

This band is all about attitude, or rather spunk, yeah spunk. I have never seen a band so energized about music in all my life. And where their music lacks in skill, it is more than made up for in their live performance. So basically what I'm trying to say is that you should save the money you might have spent on their CD, and invest it instead in seeing them live.

My friend Stuart described them best as "Queer Eye for the Ska Guy" because although they don't exactly sing with a lisp or anything, the tight t-shirts, jeans, and body language of a few of the members of the band is a not-so-straight giveaway. But they do put on a very entertaining perfomance; imagine, if you will, eight guys on a small stage carrying out a choreographed dance routine in which they toss their guitars, trombones, saxophones, trumpets to one another all while staying in rhythm with the beat of the song. According to the band's bios (, they have played over 1000 shows, so it's no surprise that they have it really well down by now.

Band members include Tim Maurer (Vocals), Brian Klemm (Guitar), Aaron Bertram (Trumpet), Vince Walker (Trombone), Brian Robertson (Trumpet), Dallas Cook (Trombone), Chris Maurer (Bass), Derek Lee Rock (Drums). The band has produced two full lengths, an EP and Rump Shaker, and has songs on the following compilations: Dead Baby Vs. Jesus, We Will Be Heard! Vol. 4 and Casino Chips and Sunset Strips. The band is currently with Brand New Hero Records.