The Vidocq Society is a group of 82 forensic investigators (one for every year in the life of their inspiration and namesake, Eugène François Vidocq) who take on unsolved murder cases that have been classified as "cold cases" by the police in the crime's jurisdiction. The members of the Vidocq Society are all experts in various forensic sciences, and membership is closed. When one member leaves, a new member is nominated from within the Society, frequently from the extensive network of volunteer forensic experts who help with investigations on an ad hoc basis. The members meet monthly as a group, and more frequently in smaller task teams. They come from 17 states and 11 countries.

The Vidocq Society was founded in Philadelphia in 1990 by three men:

  • Frank Bender, a world-renowned sculptor and forensic reconstructionist.
  • Bill Fleisher, a former Philly police officer and FBI agent who now focuses on the Vidocq Society's cases.

The Vidocq Society credo is Vertias Veritatum - the truth of truths.

The Society chooses cases that are brought to them by the families of unsolved murder victims or by a law enforcement agency.

Inquiries to the Vidocq Society in regard to an unsolved homicide or suspicious death may be made by letter. Please carefully review the information available at the Vidocq Society Web site prior to preparing your request.

Vidocq Society Case Referrals
Locust Street, Second Floor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103