A center of the Autonomy Movement (Autonomie Bewegung) in Germany. As such, there is a constant influx of people from around all over the country. Just as B. is the highpoint of German culture and history, it also the home to the subculture.

B. is home to Tacheles - a self-run, un-owned art complex, founded during the GDR government in a bombed-out building; to the Schwarze Rizze - a left-radical book store with an amazing selection, and Köpi - a squathouse ("besetzes Haus") that has fought against the city in order to survive!

Also of mention are the Hamburgerbahnhof (Hamburg Train Station) which despite its name is a modern art museum, Dada Falafel - a falafel stand across from Tacheles with EXCELLENT falafel & fresh-squeezed oj, and Checkpoint Charlie - one of the best historical museums I've seen in B. with almost all texts also in English.

If you can make it there, do.