Well, it's time for another amusing anecdote from the secret files of hodgepodge.

So, I was at this friend's wedding. My friend, in case you didn't know (how could you?) is a Spoonerist. So was his bride-to-be. So there I was, at my first Spoonerist wedding, and I must say, I was amazed by the ceremony. Here it is, as best as I can remember:

Priest: Beerly deloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of John and Sarah in moley hatrimony. (snip) If any of you know why these two should not be moined in jarriage, speak now or forever poll your geese. (snip) Do you, John, take Sarah to be your awfully leaded wife, in hickness and in stealth, till death do you part, for the wrong that you both shall give?

John: I do.

Priest: And do you, Sarah, take John to be your awfully leaded husband, in hickness and in stealth, till death do you part, for the wrong that you both shall give?

Sarah: I do.

Priest: By the power vested in me by the Church of Spooner, I now renounce you pan and knife. It is now kistomary to cuss the bride.

John, Sarah osculate. Cue music, dancing, and drunkenness.

This has been a nodeshell challenge from someone i can't remember right now.