My Friend Bob (not his real name) called me, starstruck. He'd spoken to Rob Malda! Damn it Bob, when will you learn to Be Cool?
He'd been at the Geek Pride Festival in Boston. Funny that he lives in a different state but is so much closer to there than i am. Not really that funny, geography works that way. It pays no attention to our political borders or psychological associations. It just is.
That's the hard part about distance: that it just is. Its pure existence disallows all kinds of trysts and reunions and meetings and communions. Even if you try to ignore it, you won't be successful for long. The space inbetween will pop up and in its own subtle way tell you clearly, No Go. There is distance here. Do not collect...
I had a girlfriend who called anything having to do with computers or the internet "that email thing". She told me she feared the day when we would all communicate only on our computers - that we would sit across the room from each other, and she would send me a message:

ideath, i'm lonely. i need a hug.

and i would write back:

pauline, here you are: (((hug)))

I miss her. She lives in Portland and doesn't have email. She is never home when i call. I guess i could stand to learn to Be Cool myself.