This morning I woke up at 6:30 despite having gone to bed after midnight. The other day I told the guy that I liked that I was going to take a social media break. What I discovered was that it's too easy to send him messages. His job keeps him busy. I have to let him be and see where the relationship is at instead of trying to force things. I haven't heard from Jill and Jane's dad which probably means he has no intention of moving back to the house and letting me stay at the condo. I wouldn't mind if he would do some of the things that need to be done around the house, but he won't so I have to decide what I'm going to do. Sometimes I get discouraged, but I'm getting better at remembering that I have alternatives to choose from.

The girls and I have been staying up very late. I don't like that at all. We graduated to the 1000 piece puzzle. It's taking up my dining room table, I wouldn't mind except we have it in our heads that the pieces are too small and we're never going to finish it when the truth of the matter is that if we spent even a couple of minutes working on it every day, it would get done eventually. I think the puzzle is a very good metaphor for my life. If I grit my teeth and finish filling out my job application, call the IRS, cook the beans, work on the laundry and windows, I'll feel a lot better about everything. I hate these feelings of dread, I want to be a person who happens to life and others rather than life and others happening to me.Â