This morning I woke up early and took a chilly bath with Epsom salts and essential oils of clove, eucalyptus, and rosemary. I didn't think those oils would blend well together when I read about that particular combination that is now a favorite of mine. Lately I've been writing, what else is new right? I love the Orient, but don't know much about it so I pulled a few things from books, chatted with some friends, and figured out a way to work a few of my Aussie pals into my current work.

This morning I couldn't wait to go to the chiropractor. I met him back in January, and he's changed my life. Tuesday he told me I looked rough. He said he's known me long enough to feel comfortable saying that so I shared the story of my girlfriend coming over and us bawling our eyes out on the couch in my TV room. Red leather coach, old quilt, sobbing women who are old enough to realize that men can cause more problems than being with one can solve.

My therapist double booked me the other day, but I was glad when I got to go home because I was Exhausted. I was telling my chiropractor that I felt as if a piece was missing, and if I could only find this new bit of information out, my life would dramatically change. He told me that at least I didn't play the victim card, I gave him a strange look because often I feel like a victim, but he said I avoid gluten and dairy and that made me realize that I can be mature when it comes to my health.

Today my therapist wanted to do this new thing with me. I started crying when she asked why I was so angry. There are times when I am articulate, but as soon as I cross her door I feel like a tongue tied emotionally stunted robot. My life is me going through the motions, wake up, eat, sleep, pretend that life is worth living, you know the gig. So I'm really skeptical when she wants to try this experiment where she moves her fingers in front of my eyes.

We start with a memory of my mother beating me with a thick leather belt when I wouldn't practice my piano music. The piano was in our dining room and I could see the roses on the wallpaper, the curtains she had dyed to match and the piano that she had refinished standing next to our family sized dining room table where my dad threw a plate of food at her and walked out after complaining that she was a shitty cook.

When she asks, I rate this memory an 8 or 9 on the pain scale with 10 being the worst memory I have and zero being a good memory. I can see my mom's arm out of the corner of my eye and I can't get away from the slash of the belt that comes down over and over and pretty soon she's done, but tomorrow I can barely move because my backside is so badly bruised. At school I went to the guidance counselor that we made fun of and I squirm with shame when I remember having to expose my bare butt so they can see the extent of the beating.

My therapist keeps going through the memory with me. I can feel the hurt and rage in my chest building up and now I'm crying like I rarely cry. She sticks with me and asks what I see. I can see the room, but not my mom. Her fingers flash before my eyes and suddenly I see a book with this story in it sitting on a cofffee table. As I watch a whisper of smoke drifts through the air, and soon flames are licking at the book I haven't written.

The next thing I see is my parents standing in fire, flames surround them and they're asking why they're being burned. God says nothing, but points at the book on the coffee table. My therapist asked what else I saw and then there was a beach themed room that has walls of Caribbean green and bright white accents. I go back to the memory. Now all I see is the piano. It's just a piano. There's nothing significant about it.

We keep going, I see a calm scene, nothing much to it, but I'm at peace there. I can see the wallpaper and the carpeting. I hate carpeting, but this no longer bothers me. Ugly carpeting can be torn up and I tell my therapist that I'm back in the dining room ripping roses from the wall and laughing at the thorns that do no damage. My therapist asks me who is in control and I say that I am. I am and I am confident of this, but it takes a while before we get down to where I can think of the beating as a zero point in my life.

She hugs me and I pressed the back of my hand into her and I'm still crying, but there's a part of me that knows that this is healing and the tears are releasing decades of trapped emotion. This is the missing piece. My therapist tells me to let go, I fall forward and she starts naming body parts. My neck, back, wrists, knees, heart, everything that hurts is a product of years of not allowing myself to relax because I never knew when the blows would start falling again.

On a related note, I've been reading the artman2003 saga and I would like to take a moment and publicly thank him, and the many others who have posted brutally personal and intimate details that they would rather not be sharing with others. Long ago I was thin, but I was still sick. I'm so much better than I was, but I've surrounded myself with weight for a variety of reasons and made excuses about why I couldn't get rid of it.

I'm by no means cured, or even well, but I am changed and for the better. I no longer believe the finger moving thing is bullshit. It worked for me, possibly it wouldn't for you, I'm not here to compel anyone to find a therapist who specializes in this type of treatment, I can only share my experiences. I've wanted to look like someone else ever since I saw myself in a mirror. I wanted to be stunningly beautiful, and wickedly smart, dazzlingly clever and at times I can be witty, however today I realized that when you throw off chains that have bound you since childhood you're going to be an ugly and out of touch prisoner who blinks at the new world that lies just beyond the bars of bondage where you've been in captivity.

The sun scorches my sensitive eyes, it's so bright it hurts, I'm humbled by the power of its rays, but when I look up, the sky is cloudy. I'm naked, exposed, vulnerable, incompetent, I don't know where to start, my kids deserve better and I meant to give it to them, but I was stunted and selfish, and sorry that I didn't realize this about myself sooner. I need people in my life who tell me the good about myself so I can say yes, I am the things I don't want to be, and yes, there are still people who love me, care about me, and want me around.

I'm going back to therapy in two weeks. This morning I bought a cookie for my therapist on a whim. I don't have much money, or rather I am conscious of how I spend it, but I love to treat people, and since she's given me much, and dropped her rate by 75% so I can afford to see her, this is a small way to repay her for her generosity. I went on a tweeting spree and got a neat response from someone who was excited that I had a life altering event. Nothing has changed except for my perspective, which is what I needed to challenge all along.