Sensory Integration Disorder is a neurological disorder that is the result of the brain's inability to decipher information received from the body's five basic sensory systems.

These systems give the brain information concerning sight, sound, smell, taste,and feeling, which includes temperature, pain, and the movement of the body.

The brain then forms a grouped or combined picture of this information and allows us to react properly to the stimuli.

This 'brain picture' and our reaction to it is called Sensory Integration, which is the foundation for learning and behavior.

The breakdown of this process is refered to as Sensory Integration Disorder or SID.

SID is very often diagnosed in children who have been institutionalized for a year or more.

Some of the signs of Sid are:

  1. Over sensitivity to touch, movement or sound
  2. Underreactivity to pain stimulus
  3. Extremely lowered or heightened activity levels
  4. Disorganization or confusion in day to day tasks
  5. Low self-esteem