Captain Sir Richard Francis Burton also complied a translation of the Alf layla wa layla, otherwise known as A Thousand and One Arabian Nights, or the Arabian Nights, or the Book of 1000 Nights and a Night, or whatever other titles European Orientalist writers were slapping on their versions at the time. Burton apparently felt Lane's take on the whole story, indeed the entire saga, was through a lens of Victorian sensibility, Christian morality, cultural superiority and Puritanical rationalism. Burton, by then in retirement from soldiering and spying, sat down and did a translation so true to the original Persian text it led to an uproar in British high society at the time and Burton's wife ended up burning the rather lurid, violent and erotic manuscripts after Burton's death. Particularly offensive to the lady was the book of often racy or dark lithographic plates which accompanied the 12 volumes of Burton's text. (...if you're ever in the area of McGill in Montreal, swing by the Rare Books library and I'll dig it out...)
Parts: One, Two, Three, Four