KANJI: SHIN JIN kami (god, spirit, soul)

ASCII Art Representation:

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Character Etymology:

A combination of , the Japanese kanji meaning "show," and , a kanji meaning "forceful speech."

A Listing of All On-Yomi and Kun-Yomi Readings:

on-yomi: SHIN JIN
kun-yomi: kami kan- kou- ka kagu kana kamo kuma ko koha dama mi

Nanori Readings:

Nanori: none

English Definitions:

  1. SHIN, JIN: god, spirit, soul
  2. kami: god, spirit, soul
  3. Ka(nagawa): prefecture near Tokyo
  4. kan(nushi): Shinto priest
  5. kou-, -shin: of or relating to Kobe
  6. kagu(ra): ancient Shinto music and dancing
  7. mi(kon): portable shrine carried in festivals

Character Index Numbers:

New Nelson: 4087
Henshall: 324

Unicode Encoded Version:

Unicode Encoded Compound Examples:

(koube): Kobe
(kamikaze): kamikaze
(shinwagaku): mythology
(shingaku): theology
(jinmu): Jimmu, the legendary first emperor of Japan
(megami): goddess
神様 (kamisama): God (monotheistic)

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