How Ecstasy (MDMA) Works

Methylenedioxymethamphetamine or MDMA for short is the key ingredient in the drug labelled "ecstasy." MDMA is still relatively new, being first used in a similar manner to speed for an appetite supressant, and also was experimented with as an anti depressant, in around 1910-20. MDMA is now used mainly in the rave scene, because it is often mixed with speed. The result of this is that the user will stay awake all night, and also happy all night.

MDMA works as a neurotransmitter, which means that (basically) it is a brain chemical. The MDMA causes serotonin to be released into the brain, and this chemical is a mood regulator. When the brain's receptors are flooded by serotonin it causes the users mood to elate, which is the euphoria many users describe.

However, when the receptors are flooded, another process takes place, it is called re-uptake, where the brain realises its serotonin supplies have depleted it tries to take serotonin back up. By now, however, the serotonin has mixed with another brain chemical called dopamine The result is that these two turn into hydrogen peroxide, yes the stuff you use to dye your hair white. The brain re-uptakes the hydrogen peroxide and this damages the receptors, so excessive use of MDMA can cause these receptors to melt and either not grow back or grow back differently, and this can lead to long term depression, as your brain cannot control its mood regulator.

There is one way to stop the re-uptake but it will also stop your roll. This SHOULD NOT be done if you have been using dietary supplements such as 5-HPT or a number of other things, and I am saying it simply because of the theory behind it, it is not intended to be used as a guide. Basically, don't try this. it is not worth it.

After around 5 hours your brain starts to try to re-uptake, and if an SSRI is taken then, this blocks the re-uptake valves, and prevents damage. Serotonin syndrome can occur by doing this though, when too much serotonin is trapped and this can cause the individual to go into a coma.