This is where the issue gets quite sticky for me. Obviously there is the entire "No proof" thing, we will skip that. We will assume that there was a being, all powerful and all knowing and omnipresent who can empathize with every human emotion and is completely plugged in and in touch with not only us but every vibration, every sound, every thought and every person place and thing in all the known and unknown universe for trillions upon trillions of light years in every direction. Now please understand that I'm not being sarcastic here nor am I trying to make this somehow sound impossible or even improbable, I am trying to say that if indeed God is real and is omnipotent, this is what it means. He would know everything in all the vastness of space and be aware and possibly even contemplative of absolutely everything; even in four dimentions (time) and beyond. He would know infinite love and if not know, at least create the possibility of and potential for, within the conceptual vastness of his being, infinite hate as well.

On one hand we have, for instance, the man who created the homepage, Pastor Fred Phelps. An extreme case, I loathe to even associate him with you, but for argument sake humor me. He is, after all, a Christian. He has without ANY doubt accepted Jesus as his savior. He is misguided and a complete sociopath, but he has accepted Jesus.

Now on the other hand we could have quite a few different people, and depending on what faith you belong to, some of these people will not cut the mustard.
  • A man whom has grown up deep in the jungles of the Phillippine islands and has never once in his life laid eyes on a white man. He has no idea Jesus even exists and yet still lives a decent life by anyones standards. I once asked a Christian fellow his take on it. He said, "Ignorance is no excuse, of course he will go to Hell". Uhh...
  • A person who lives a pious life but decides that Jesus isn't for them. Perhaps they were raised as a Hindu. They have faith. They have faith in what their loved ones taught them. They want to be good. Or Perhaps they just can't believe in something and have no faith at all. But no Jesus, so many say its off to hell with the lot of them.
  • Now how about a Christian. Donates to the plate, goes to study group, loves Jesus with all his heart. Problem is, he finds himself sexually attracted to other men. He not only commits this mortal sin, but feels no remorse for it. It says right in the bible that this is wrong. He is at peace with himself and just cannot see it as wrong. Does he go to H-E-double-hocky-sticks? Fred Phelps says God not only is going to send him to hell but laugh gleefully as he twists in agony. God hates him. Does he?

I am not gay and even that being the case, nothing about homosexuality bothers me one bit. What does where you stick your dick have anything to do with the condition of your soul? It can! But does it always? Everything is conditional and relative...blahblahblahblahblah.

If you could feel see and hear the vibration of an atom 43 trillion light years away. If your existance dwarfed the very universe by way of trancending the mere physical, would you be THAT petty? I am a human being and I have more forgiveness. I belive in educating and listening to people when they have done wrong. I belive in empathy. Would god not be infinite empathy? Would God honestly be able to "experience" the lives of every living creature in the universe simultaneously through out all of time and not be able to plainly see that a man who believes in an obscure panthanon of primitive gods and wears a loin cloth, yet loves his children and his neighbors, lives within the spirit of the infinite goodness of the lord through his ignorance and consequently his innocence more than a man like Pastor Fred Phelps could ever hope to?

Makes sense to me.

(heheh, sorry, here we go again? :P(I told you I couldn't pass up a good argument))