She sucked the smoke deep into her lungs, relishing the soft, soothing air caught in her throat, sliding into her body. She watched it escape from her mouth in wisps, curling, tumbling, transparent and white like a banshee. The room started to spin, she let her eyes relax on a knotted rug. She got up in search of the bathroom, her vision disorienting and dizzy. Gripping the wall to steady her body, she walked in and sat down on the toilet seat wet with pee and water. Graffiti covered the walls. SPOONHER she read, smiling to herself. Back down, she could feel her body drowning under the smoke, she let it engulf her and pull her psyche into its steady, dreamvision arms. She laughed, but it was not the drugs. It was her body. A real laugh that made her feel heavy and her body deep. A boy sat adjacent to her, blowing smoke rings. Curly hair, Jewish appearance. She stared at him and he noticed. It was the tobacco looking, not her. He sat with a strawberry-blonde haired girl who brought the long, wooden snake to her mouth and sucked slightly. She released a small puff of air from her mouth. He kept glancing at her, flattered by the attention. Interested in her looks. It made her nervous and made her laugh. It was not her looking at him, after all.

Alex wanted a cupcake. They staggered through the streets giggling, every word said unchecked by their conscious. Beautiful cupcakes in a warm store. A friendly, black, male shopkeeper greeted them. So many cupcakes! She spun around in a circle and let Tom hug her. You cannot do the same things sober as you can when intoxicated.