Allah in Estonia

Children in the Estonian capital Tallinn are seriously annoying adults, at least this is what the largest Estonian daily Postimees reports today. Well, this is nothing new, you might say, kids are known to have disturbed and angered their elders for millennia. We don’t of course know about such difficulties regarding generation-gap communication before the advent of copious superfluous writing, approximately at the time of the Greeks and the Romans. Whatever, kids have always been a nuisance, it seems.

What is new, however, is that the kids in Tallinn, who have somewhat prematurely acquired a hefty supply of New Year’s firecrackers, are crying "Allah Akhbar!" while setting off their crackers. Innovative, sort of, cosidering that the Muslim fraction of the Estonian population is close to nonexistent.

I'd love to be a few decades younger.

Not amused by childish pranks in bad taste? A foreign-born acquaintance of mine wasn’t either :

-- My cousin was among the killed in 9/11, he explained sombrely.

-- Oh, I’m sorry, what was he doing when it happened?

-- He was flying the plane.