One of the Ivy Leagues, it rejects 85% of all applicants, as opposed to Harvard's 89%. Used to be unique for not having Early Decision, but reversed their policy recently. Now there's no early action program.

It also has one of the best Egyptian Studies majors in the west.

Brown has an Undergraduate enrollment of around 5,000, and has a top medical school.

One of the funnier things on The Simpsons are their jokes at Brown's expense. The writers all went to Harvard, so their rivaly against other colleges ("That's enough of your Vassar-bashing young lady!!!") is clear, not to mention very funny.

Lisa(after getting a B+)"Oh, no, now I'll have to go to Brown."

"I'm sorry, but your application for Harvard was rejected. We will however, pass it on to *snicker* Brown..."

Thanx Walter for the Vassar quote.