Save the Robots - like The Sin Club was a New York after hours bar that was active from the early 1980's until the late 1990's.

Located on east side of Avenue B betweeen second and third street, Save The Robots was a classical East Village after hours bar.

They issued membership cards for a small fee but if you had the proper look and attitude or - most importantly - lived in the neighborhood, then the doorman would let you in without hassle.

At that time I lived two blocks away (5th Street and Ave B), had a very rude red haircut (this was in 1987 - and a quite willowsome blonde gal-pal (Carolyn!), so we never had much problem getting in.

A street level two story club, the black upper level was devoted to several dark hang out spaces and bars, with lots of white Japanese Kanji characters that most of us didn't understand painted on the walls.

They had bands downstairs and I remember seeing lots of groups like Dean and the Weenies going on, usually around 7AM or so.

They had put six or eight inches of sand on the floor in the basement, so you really had to know your moves down there on the dance floor to overcome the fricition.

I distinctly remember leaving many Sunday mornings, sweaty and fucked up, usually around 9AM or so.

Domincan and Puerto Rican Church Ladies in their finest would politely avert their eyes as my girl friend and I headed towards the nearest diner, breakfast and a well deserved sleep.