There was windows 1 and 2 which obviously bit it hard. Then Windows 3.0 came along, which all the rich bastards had. It had the infamous File Manager Program Manager duality vile as it was, it kinda worked. A nice way to see the directories we had grown to love in dos. And the path command. Woohoo!

Then windows 3.1 and 3.11 came along, still no start button, which was the major harbinger of windows 95 which had some stupid devel name like colorectal cancer. Win95 brought us the start menu. A more convenient monosyllabic answer to starting programs. We rejoiced.

The majority of really lame ui tweaks came in this era. In short order they are:

  • win 98 the angular scrolling out menu (yeepa yeepa!)
  • win 2g the fade in and the lame ass drop shadow under the mouse cursor that is about as 31337 as text based PC-TOOLS

There is my not necessarily anti-Microsoft rant of the 3 week period I like to call my biological rotospin clock valve.