In Boxing, the guy in the corner who takes care of cuts when they appear on their respective boxer. Especially in modern Boxing this is a very important job. The cut man needs to stop the bleeding, particularly if the blood can run into the eyes of the fighter, and stop the cut from getting serious enough for the fight to stop. The cut man will also take care of swelling, especially with the eyes. If even one eye becomes swollen shut the Boxer will be at a great disadvantage. Cut men are hired by the boxer (or his manager), so they can vary widely in skill and resources. In one fight I saw, one cut man was using every means in existence to seal a cut, while in the other corner they only had towel.

In one of the Rocky movies (either I or II) the cut man was actually making cuts. Rocky's eyes were swelling shut, so in order for him to see, the cut man cut into the swelling, I suppose to release fluid. A pretty gruesome scene. While this may have happened in real boxing in the past, I seriously doubt any modern Ref or ringside doctor would allow such a procedure.