Someone said that fun was doing something profitless and impractical; I find this offensive. What is to stop work from being fun? The best way to pursue happiness is to have fun while working; when your work and your play merge, you're just about there. Work hard, then play hard, then rest. But have fun throughout.

Fun is what you have when you do what you enjoy.
Happiness is when you enjoyed your whole life.

Caspen wrote below that "lessons are not learnt through fun", however, I find that many lessons learned deepest are taught in a fun way. Play, and thus fun, is an integral part of early learning, and there's nothing (except irrational pessimism) to prevent life long learning from being fun. As to the rest -- I personally find problem solving fun as well; having fun doesn't have to be unconstructive. If you believe this, you're just letting your inner pessimist sour your life.

As to doing fun rather than having fun, I claim that's purely a gramatical convention, and myself not having much claim to being a linguist, I will not argue that either way. 8-) I have witnessed and experienced fun as a hallucinogen, however.


Are you having fun yet?