This is a song by Ween, from the album The Pod.

This song makes no sense at all, and mostly I could not understand what they were saying. I looked up the lyrics someplace else and it seems the band themselves weren't too sure what they were talking about either.

Some of my favorite lyric snatches:

A hardened glob of hardened moosey in the zoo
You go fetch that moosey and you know I'm gonna fetch it too
You fetch that moosey and you know he's gonna dig it too
Mollymollymolly. . . .

Or this one:

The "arpschnitt up?" Van Winkle and a tinkle-dinkle-doo
We'll have a white Xmas with that snow "schnitt up?" Van Winkle say "Fuck You"

The effect on this song is to skip in and out while singing so that it has this start-and-stop effect, which may have them saying things we just can't hear and have to improvise what actually made it onto the tape.

There is a mention of "Eddie Dingle," which is interesting as Eddie Dingle does the guest vocal on "Nan" on their album God Ween Satan: The Oneness. Also they keep mentioning "Van Winkle," I think one of them must have seen a program or read a book while stoned because Rip Van Winkle keeps popping up in their songs at this point. They have a song called "Sketches of Winkle" later on this album. I think maybe they just like the sound of the word "Winkle."

The "molly" part is just where they have a VERY odd effect just saying "molly" at varying speeds very close together, and they speed it up and slow it down a few times. I do not know who Molly is.

This is another example of a Ween song that starts again after you think it is over.

This song is © 1991 by Ween, Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp/Ver Music/Browndog Music/BMI.

The Pod
Next song on this album: Can U Taste the Waste?
CST Approved