A soldier, a statesman, a writer, an airport, a subway station, a square, a university, an aircraft carrier, the conscience of a nation, and many other things.

Charles de Gaulle is probably the most prominent character in French History since Napoleon Bonaparte.

During WW2 he played no major role compared to Roosevelt or Churchill because his country had lost the war, but his speeches at the BBC and his strong personality let him appear as the embodiment of "real" France in the eyes of the French. He also managed to become the voice of France on the world stage. He obtained a seat at the UN Security Council for France, which was a remarkable achievement when you consider all the things France did (or did not) during the war.

After the war, in a few months, he built major parts of the French social system. Then he stayed away from direct action during more than ten years. In 1958, because Algeria's war of independence was threatening the stability of France, De Gaulle was called back to power, and a new Constitution was adopted.

He was President of the Fifth Republic during eleven years. He was famous abroad for his desire to be independent from both the American and the Sovietic camp. After facing important student demonstrations in May 1968, he eventually resigned in 1969 after losing a referendum. He died in 1970.

In France, politicians want to be writers, and writers want to be politicians. De Gaulle was not an exception with his Memoirs, which start with his intimate feelings about the grandeur of France: All my life long, I had a certain idea of France. Although de Gaulle's ideas may seem quite outdated nowadays, they still appeal to French souls in a more or less conscious way, and the Gaullist party is still one of the most important French political parties. Actually de Gaulle, like the foreign tourists, cared more about France than about the French.

As a reward for reading (or scrolling) so far, please enjoy the following famous Charles de Gaulle quotes:

The graveyards are full of indispensable men.
China is a big country, inhabited by many Chinese.
How can one conceive of a one party system in a country that has over 200 varieties of cheese?
Since a politician never believes what he says, he is quite surprised to be taken at his word.
When I am right, I get angry. Churchill gets angry when he is wrong. So we were often angry at each other.
Vive le Quebec libre !

The English translations of the quotes were found on http://www.cp-tel.net/miller/BilLee/quotes/Gaulle.html, http://members.aol.com/funnyfirm/quotes.htm and other Web sites.