A range of composite hockey sticks manufactured by Easton. They're what's called One piece sticks. One piece sticks are hybrids of traditional wood sticks and newer composite sticks.
One piece sticks combine the durability, low weight and consistency of composite sticks with the feel of wood sticks.

Synergies are incredibly popular in North America but haven't caught on yet in Europe. They cost anything from $90 to $160 depending on where you look. I bought mine for about $95 USD in Canada (after tax-back :-) ). Now that's very cheap, but a good price would be $110 to $125

The one piece technology whas not pioneered by Easton. A Swiss company by the name of Composites-Busch & Co released a one piece stick in 1998, but it never took off.

Synergies come in 4 different variations (1 and 2 are Sr. sticks. 3 and 4 are Jr. and Intermediate):

1. The original or "regular" Synergy. It comes in 3 different stiffness ratings; 110, 100 and 85. It also comes in 6 different blade patterns.

2. The Grip Synergy. It's identical to the regular synergy except it has a textured surface for more grip. It comes in 2 different stiffness ratings; 110 and 100. It also comes in 6 different blade patterns.

3. The Junior Synergy. It's shorter, thinner and more flexible than the Sr. Synergy. It's designed for young players. It only comes in one stiffness rating; 50. It also only comes in 2 blade patterns.

4. The Intermediate Synergy. It's something in between the Sr. and Jr. models, aimed at the player who wants something stiffer than the Jr. but softer than the Sr. It only comes in one stiffness rating; 75. It only comes in 2 blade patterns.