STARBUCK’S PEBBLES (aka Ichabod's stones) are a curious enigma, much like the riddles giggled by schoolchildren on the playground. Imagine, if you will, five pebbles laid out before you, like such:


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Now, do they REALLY form a pentagon? The Aneristic Illusion would nod in agreement, while the Eristic Illusion would shake its head in dissent. But criss-cross those pebbles and behold; a star emerges! An Illuminated Mind gazes upon all these perspectives yet refrains from dogmatic insistence on any single truth. Stars, pentagons, and disorder dance with one another in the mind’s theater, awaiting the artist’s brushstroke. Even the concept of the number five (5) waltzes with ambiguity amongst the assembled. Which is real? What is REALLY real?

An important question looms in your mind:

Should you continue to pursue your own goals and dreams without consideration, compromise, or concession?

Now, lettuce chart a course to Captain Valentine’s SWEETHEART where the real reality lies beyond mere pebbly pebbles; it resides within the labyrinth of our thoughts, malleable and free for our artistic whims. Conviction, my friend, births both creation and confinement. Everything, too (you KNOW), is in your mind and yours to do with as you like. Conceptualization is art, and YOU ARE THE ARTIST. Convictions cause convicts.

Q: Why can't Starbucks sell "small," "medium," and "large" drinks?

A: Fruity Pebbles!

When I was 8 or 9 years old,
I acquired a split beaver magazine.
You can imagine my disappointment when,
upon examination of the photos with a microscope,
I found that all I could see was dots.
No grand revelation,
no secret map to the heart of Chaos.
I failed to make the connections.

Hemlock? I never touch the stuff!
(Cheers, my lips have frozen but hemlock goes down easy.)

7. Never write in pencil unless you are on a train or sick in bed.

For pencils, like convictions, leave indelible marks. As for Chaos, it weaves patterns unseen, lining the world beneath life’s surface. "It" predates our observations, yet remains elusive: its consequences, however, ripple through existence.

This redo of page 54 of the Principia Discordia to become page 54 of the Omnia Discordia is part of the Neomyth Expansion Project of LieQuest 2024: A Lie Quest of Mythologically Discordian Proportions, submitted this Setting Orange, the 37th day of Discord in the YOLD 3190. Fnord.