I had a friend of a friend that supposedly used his microwave for evil experiments with cockroaches. This is unconfirmed and mean to bugs but the story is as follows:

“This guy” put a cockroach in the microwave for a second. The roach lived. He did this with the same cockroach every day, gradually increasing the exposure time. Some times he would cook the roach, but after awhile he found the magic combination and rumor has it that some roaches would go for as long as thirty seconds (eventually) and that some of them grew “as big as my hand”.

Note: Your Mommy/Boss/Roommate will be grounding mad/ firing mad /moving out if they find you testing this theory. You will need adult supervision! If you can not get an adult to support you on this an alternate would be pulling wings off flies or frying ants with a magnifying glass and some good old-fashioned sunshine. Doing any of theses things will make you yucky. Forever.