"What I say is that, if a fellow really like potatoes, he must be a decent sort of fellow." --A.A. Milne

Yam's Roast Potatoes:

(how can you not trust potato information from someone called yam?)

I'm eating these right now. They're really yummy. They're not extremely healthy, but hey, at least they're not deep fried.

Potatoes. I like new potatoes because you don't have to spend as much time cutting them up. 2 big potatoes, or 4-5 small potatoes.
1/8-1/4 C olive oil
2 cloves of garlic
Half-handful of uncooked pumpkin seeds and cashews
Salt, pepper, & herbs to taste - I use tarragon & paprika because I'm always out of everything else.
Small quantities of cheddar cheese, sour cream, bacon bits, and lox. Yes, lox, as in smoked raw salmon.

1. preheat oven to 375°F
2. scrub potatoes and cut in to small pieces, about an inch wide.
3. Pour the olive oil in a small pan. If you only have big pans, or don't feel like cleaning up later, make a little "boat" out of aluminum foil and pour the olive oil in to that. Arrange the potatoes and the garlic cloves (still in their skin!) in the pan, and turn them so they are thoroughly coated in oil. Add seeds & cashews and any herbs you like, but not salt yet.
4. Bake for about 50 minutes. If you'd like to add salt, add it about halfway through cooking.
5. Remove from oven and put in a bowl, being careful not to pour the olive oil in to the bowl. Sprinkle on top: lox and bacon and cheese. Give the cheese time to melt a bit, and spread a bit of sour cream on top. Enjoy. Don't eat the garlic straight. If you've cooked them long enough, the garlic cloves will be roasted to sweetness and gushiness - squeeeeeeeze their tender garlic juices out on to the plate, and any other dish you might have cooked up for dinner.

This makes one serving, but the recipe can be easily increased for any number of people. Just add more potatoes and enough olive oil to coat everything.